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Traffic and Speeding

Traffic in Barrhaven is increasing. That is not to be unexpected. We are a growing suburban community which relies heavily on cars. We also don’t currently have a good localized transit system which could offer an alternative form of transportation.

Jay Chadha - Ward 3

We must ensure that we upgrade and do an overhaul of our existing public transit system to ensure  those who want to use public transit have that choice. But we just also ensure we are continuing to upgrade our roads to keep up with the traffic patterns. 

Many community residents I’ve spoken with are frustrated over the level of street racing which happens on main Barrhaven streets late at night. It’s a common complaint I’m hearing at the doors and I agree with you. I’m happy to see Ottawa Police have been cracking down in the community on weekends finding drivers who are driving well over the speed limit. This is work we must continue to do and grow on. 

I am also a big supporter of red light and speeding cameras, and would like to see more pop up around our community. This isn’t about making money; it’s about ensuring our streets remain safe. If people follow the rules of the road, then they have nothing to worry about.

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